Helen has worked on commission projects for 22 years and covers a variety of subjects, including painting the extinct dodo bird for the interior of The Dodo Micropub in London (where she was resident artist), a large mural of cranes in Hanwell zoo and several artworks which hang at The Owl and The Pussycat micropub in Ealing, celebrating the Edward Lear poem.
Portraits of houses, churches, wedding venues and other special places make great bespoke presents for a special event, many of which Helen has painted over many years. As resident artist at estate agent Tuffin and Wren, Helen painting every house that was sold.
Commercially, Helen provides drawings and illustrations to be developed onto fabric, fashion and stationary.
House portraits
Working from photos, Helen carefully considers composition and detail to achieve a high standard of work using Sennelier watercolors, Arches 300gm paper and Japanese brushes.
Prices start from £120 for an A4 Watercolour up to £2500 for a 100 x 100 cm acrylic on canvas.
Much of Helen's work is protected by confidentiality agreements, as many of her clients are in the public eye or projects may be for companies who prefer collection launch dates to be protected.
Her paintings can be found in homes and hotels around the world from New York, Florida, Belgium, Tokyo, the south of France and beyond.
“I adore painting bespoke projects for people as it's always an immersive experience and often the end result is given to someone as a token of love.
In my commercial work I love the challenge of meeting the brief and exceeding expectations."
To discuss a commission please contact her: helentrevisiol@gmail.com